On the good note, AGIS won't be able to cycle their IP's anymore and we'll be able to blackhole them for good. Remind me to signup for Paul's eBGP feed ... I've had enough of this crap myself. On Wed, Apr 23, 1997 at 12:54:33AM -0400, Charles Sprickman made some electrons appear in the following form:
And in Interactive Week today, I see Cyber Promotions just signed a three year deal with UUNet/Worldcom. Someone was quoted as saying they will have the capacity to "send 111 average-sized email messages per second".
-- int main(){char x,*p;p="\61\62\64\61\65\60\61\65\61\61\66\63\60\64\60\61\65\61 \61\66\63\60\64\60\61\64\61\60\64\60\61\62\63\61\65\61\61\64\67\60\61\62";whil e(*p){x=((*p)-'0')*64+((*(p+(1*1+0))-'0')*(7*1+1))+(*(p+(1+1))-'0');printf("\4 5\143",x);p+=(1+2);}}