* Matthew Huff
That won't work. Being internally sync'ed isn't good enough for FINRA. All the machines must be synced to an external accurate source at least once per trading day.
That was why I proposed to ntpdate on your (upstream-free since the 29th) NTP server(s) sometime on the 30th. That would synchronise its local clock with an external accurate source, without learning the Leap Indicator.
Our plan is to disable our two stratum 1 servers, and our 3 stratum 2 servers before the leap second turnover, but to be 100% safe we would need to do that 24 hours before, but that would be a violation of FINRA regulations.
If you run your own straum-1 servers, can't you just opt not to configure "leapfile"? Assuming your own organisation is the only user of those servers, that is (certainly don't do that if it's a public server). After the leap second has passed, you can proceed to correct things. Your clients will then be 1s ahead of correct time, and will need to step/slew their clocks to get in sync. But maybe that's OK as far as FINRA's concerned...
It looks like the safest thing for us to do is to keep our NTP servers running and deal with any crashes/issues. That's better than having to deal with FINRA.
Maybe. I have no experience with FINRA. :-) Tore