upon skimming the following...
1. The appeal is against publication of SID draft (3 SID drafts, ... ... 2. The appeal is made to IETF Chair Brian Carpenter. ... ... 3. During MARID itself it was decided that new record version would ... ... 4. Nobody knows how many records had been published exclusively for SID... ... 5. As far as last two paragraphs in the article, first of all appeal is being made after people already asked if MS is willing to ...
...i've determined that the spammers have no cause to worry that the IETF is going to affect their businesses at all. in fact they're probably laughing their asses off watching all this idiocy. apparently, one way to stop spam would be to require spammers to live by the official ietf motto, "rough consensus and running code", or by the unofficial ietf motto, "let ``the best'' be the enemy of ``good enough''." -- Paul Vixie