What "legitimate business purposes" necessitate leaving SMTP relays open to the world? While I think spammers shouldn't be spamming, I think you'd find it better to do what you can to stop them from spamming via means you control, i.e. your servers, as opposed to going through the FBI. The FBI has recently stated that their computer crimes people are entirely overworked and way behind. So, while they will look into the matter, my previous experience with the FBI and computer crime shows a decided lack of interest in crimes that don't involve a high dollar figure for damages or stolen goods/services except for the purposes of profiling attacks and doing trend analysis. Unless you're looking at a six figure loss, you probably won't get far. Your best bet is to find a solution to restrict access to your relays. -- Joseph W. Shaw - jshaw@insync.net Free UNIX advocate - "I hack, therefore I am." On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Dean Anderson wrote:
These are coming from Mass, Cleveland, Ohio, and Virginia.
We use our relays for legitimate business purposes. They are not "accidentally left open".