Pete, All, This may be slightly OT, but I thought it would be of interest to many here, just the same: Comments concerning live outage reporting from Sean Donelan and others who've stayed on top of outage and D/R matters would be appreciated, either on list or off. TIA. Frank A. Coluccio DTI Consulting Inc. 212-857-8150 Office 347-526-6788 Mobile On Sat May 14 7:33 , Pete Templin sent:
John van Oppen wrote:
Anyone know anything about the Fiber cut that took Cogent's Seattle POP out of commission at about 6 PM (PST) today?
AboveNet reported a fiber cut at 1852PDT which they believe to be in the Sacramento area. Oddly enough, we saw a regular stream of ~5000 BGP update messages received every five minutes from 2230CDT to 0330CDT; I've asked if this was related to the fiber cut but haven't gotten a reply.