On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Steven J. Sobol wrote: Not to mention that you usually complain to your upstream provider, to whom you already pay for your connectivity, and other services which are included. --Ariel
On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Christian Nielsen wrote:
types of issues. And maybe, if you were being DoSed, and you offered to pay for their time, they might answer differently.
If I'm being DOSed, there is no way in hell I'm paying some idiot at an NSP to listen to me. If they were clued, they'd collect cleanup fees from their abusive customers to cover the costs of abuse. I do.
I mean, duh.
Even suggesting that we should pay for the privilege of cutting off the attacker is an insult.
-- ** To all who asked: The Chow now has a good home! Tnx for your interest ** Steve Sobol, BOFH, President 888.480.4NET 866.DSL.EXPRESS 216.619.2NET North Shore Technologies Corporation http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net JustTheNet/JustTheNet EXPRESS DSL (ISP Services) http://JustThe.net mailto:sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net Proud resident of Cleveland, OH
-- Ariel Biener e-mail: ariel@post.tau.ac.il Work phone: 03-6406086 fingerprint = 07 D1 E5 3E EF 6D E5 82 0B E9 21 D4 3C 7D 8B BC