AFRINIC approves IPv4 for the purpose of leasing every day. It’s what ISPs do. It’s the definition of an LIR.
Yes, most LIRs are also in the connectivity business and provide addresses (mostly/exclusively) to customers of their connectivity services.
Which is why CI informed AfriNIC in their request that they were going to have no network and provide connectivity-less services to CI customers, right ?
However, there’s no such policy requirement in the AFRINIC governing documents.
All RIRs were subject to RFC 2050, now RFC 7020, which states: "1) Allocation Pool Management: Due to the fixed lengths of IP addresses and AS numbers, the pools from which these resources are allocated are finite. As such, allocations must be made in accordance with the operational needs of those running the networks that make use of these number resources and by taking into consideration pool limitations at the time of allocation." If there is no network, there is no use of such number resources. Rubens