On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Michael Gibson wrote:
Go to Toronto, Canada then! Summers are nice here. It can be as warm as the Sahara desert. :)
Don't kid yourself. Toronto summers aren't any different from any other Great Lakes city like Rochester, Buffalo, Ann Arbor. The Sahara is HOT and DRY.
Agreed, Toronto would be the ideal location.
Here's what you do then. NANOG 13 will be held in June of 1998, right? Torontonians aren't afraid of lucky 13 are they? So dig up a sponsor like Rogers Network Services who is willing to throw a bit of money into the pot, get them to read http://www.nanog.org/tips.html so they have a vague idea of what is needed and get them to send some email to wbn@merit.edu Make sure you do the planning on this with more lead time than traditional NANOG meetings because, although Americans can just waltz through the border anytime with merely a birth certificate, people who are not American citizens may need to get a visa depending on their country of origin. Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-250-546-3049 http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com