Well, I do not think feeding the trolls is a good exercise for a representative of any company that is taking this subject seriously. Don't you think? ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 07/28/16 09:07, Justin Paine via NANOG wrote:
"They just lost all respect from here. Would someone from USA please report these guys to the feds? What they are doing is outright criminal."
I'm happy to put you in touch with an FBI agent if you have questions or concerns you'd like to discuss.
____________ Justin Paine Head of Trust & Safety CloudFlare Inc. PGP: BBAA 6BCE 3305 7FD6 6452 7115 57B6 0114 DE0B 314D
On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 4:01 AM, <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu> wrote:
On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:00:00 +0200, Baldur Norddahl said:
DDoS attacks using stolen resources and fake identities is not legal Are you making a blanket statement that covers all jurisdictions on the planet?
For bonus points - is it more like "illegal as in murder", or "illegal as in jaywalking"? (Hint - which one will you get a DA to actually press a case that almost certainly crosses jurisdictions, and may involve extradition proceedings?)