Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 05:19:32AM -0500, Randy Bush wrote:
i try to use as few tricks, knobs, and clever things as possible and still get my job done. i try to be extremely conscious of, and minimal, when what i am doing effects or is visible to my neighbors and/or the global net.
i try to complicate the internals of my network as little as possible, after all, complexity == opex and i value my time, it is a non-renewable resource.
i prefer to be seen as an old and lazy minimalist, not a clever person. clever was a pejorative where/when i was brought up.
<randybush> You damn kids! Get off my lawn!
But seriously now, the reason we have these squishy things taking up space between our ears in the first place is so we can come up with new ideas and better ways to solve our problems.
and they need not be cute, clever, or complex. unless we did not get enough strokes as a kid. randy