I am not a pilot, but I have been a hazmat tech/fire fighter/paramedic. And let me tell you, between CO2 foam, water, and any of the other things they could use to keep a building from going up in that sort of situation, I would be very surprised if even the equipment would stay on much less talk to other pieces of equipment. I can't say I have tried running a Cisco 7513 from the bottom of a pool, but I don't think it is rated for an operational 100% humidity. :) I know it was a joke, but thought I'd throw my $0.02 in. -Deepak. On Sat, 26 Oct 1996, Jon Zeeff wrote:
Sounds like you are not a pilot. A plane could, and if it did, I suspect they might very well force all power to be turned off and evacuate the building.
crashed into the side of the Atlanta-NAP. The Atlanta-NAP is at 230 Peachtree on the 5th floor. There are two buildings around this building that go up to the 8th floor. If a airplane was to crash in the Atlanta-NAP