They forgot to mention that it's technically possible to filter advertisements from their customer. Which apparently they were/are not really doing.
luckily, CT is the only isp not doing good filtering, or we would be having mis-originations and route leaks every day. oh, wait.
Perhaps what you meant to say here was:
“Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on.
I know. I guess my point was: "Hey, maybe now we can get people's attention?"
my point is that over 20 years of continuing mis-originations and leaks seem not to move the needle very far. heck, you were jacked/leaked maybe ten or so days ago in about the same way you were jacked/leaked some time back. and you will be again. and those mean, nasty, godless, commie, ... chinese have no worse hygiene than 94.3% of the internet. non-chinese just love to get hysterical and accusatory when some prc isp does what almost everyone else is doing multiple times a day. and focusing on china telecom is a red herring, because damned near everyone leaks. and it is the everyone who has to change. doughnut, hole. randy