From my understanding there is a 99.97% up time value that most companies try and match. Is this a hard and fast rule or is this a value that we all try and emulate as best as we can? Do I have the value incorrect? Is it higher or lower? I had always thought that it was 99.97% but have not found anywhere to reference that figure, it was just via talking with others and checking available uptime statistics. My understanding also takes into account that it does not include controlled downtime due to any maintenances.
Any thoughts?
From my point of view, and the clients I deal with, like to keep there core network and systems at 5 nines (99.999%). But that is the regulated lottery world, and we can be fined heavily if we don't meet that level of uptime. Oh and scheduled outages aren't included, but everything is redundant so we just work on one then the other so there is network wide outage, just a lack of redundancy for x number of minutes.