I didn't say that I did it, but having a server with a backup OS image in case your flash-drive fails isn't the worst thing in the world. Especially for a remotely-adminstered POP.
Possibly I misunderstood your words: There's no problem having backup image from network, but there's a problem doing network load as a rule (as you seemed to suggest for version control purposes).
Since we are talking about the purely hypothetical world of a global-network of PC-type routers, we could simply set this set of rules up: When a network image is booted, it is set to automatically try to save itself over the existing network image (if media is available). So, for an upgrade you set the router to boot to the network-boot "next". Then reload, upgrade complete. For a flash memory or CRC error on the flash image, you boot to the network and can't save, but each time you reload you will have a working router. You can rinse and repeat for configuration changes. Hopefully I sound a little more sane today. :) Deepak