On Wed, Jan 4, 2023 at 8:37 AM Tom Beecher <beecher@beecher.cc> wrote:
Disagree that it’s a line in the sand. It’s use the right tool for the job. 

If a device is low FIB, it’s that way for a reason. There are plenty of ways to massage that with policy and software, depending on capabilities , but at the end of the day, trying to sort 10 pounds of shit to store in a 5 pound bag is eventually going to end up the same way.

Some of the reasoning behind 'i need/want to do SDN things' is 'low fib device' sort of reasonings. Some is: "I just want a forwarding decision that's not entirely LPM oriented"
(or to be fair: "My LPM is not JUST longest prefix, but also some other data")

For folk that are looking for software alternatives you might look at faucet:

which still seems to be actively developed.