At 01:17 25.06.97 -0400, Martin J. Hannigan wrote:
I just recently snagged MRTG, a freeware SMNP package that will poll a router allowing snmp access. It seems like a simple traffic monitoring/averaging/history program that is too simple to use, but provides easy to understand information in a visual context. Cisco's are really easy to configure for snmp polling by MRTG.
I'm sorry I can't post the ftp sites. Can't think of them off the top of my head and too late to search. Apologies. Maybe someone else knows firsthand?
MRTG is a great tool that we use a lot - especially good if you want to offer traffic monitoring to customers. MRTG can get the stats from the customers port and display that as a GIF on your web server, accessed using the customers ID and password. Stops all those calls from customers asking if their access lines are overloaded... It is mostly used for traffic monitoring, but can work with any SNMP variable. In the latest release it can monitor/display round trip delays as well. The URL is http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html Netflow has also been mentioned on this thread. The drawback is that Netflow only works on cisco 72xx and 75xx platforms. Phil