>>>>>>>>>>>>> forwarded message: ... There are other analysts (myself among them) who anticipate the number of North Amercan ISP's to grow by a third this year from around 2,000 to around 3,000. Yes, there is some consolidation, but this is very little in relation to the entry of new ISP's into the market. ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> forwarded message: ... I see ISPs going down all the time. Plus, with all the new ones coming on line, they will not make it like the older times. Unless they can compete on service. Even though we are $8.50 more in one city, we get the customers from the other ISP everytime. ...
Well, one study I came across talks about a major shake-out over the next few years resulting in about 200 ISPs by 2000. It projects a decline in the number of ISPs beginning early 1997. Of course,some might say, a five-year projection is just about meaningless in a field such as this..... -Mulugu ========================================================= Mulugu Srinivasarao Tel : 703/904-2013 SprintLink Engineering Fax : 703/904-2292 Sprint, GSD Bldg.