On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:16:01 -0500, Kaveh . <afx66@hotmail.com> wrote:
A) Pre-existing configs: What Tim and Joe mentioned is apparently correct. I was on phone with a few Cisco tech-reps earlier today and they told me that since version 8.2, they have been shipping ASAs with a default configuration, which explains the existence of private IP addresses on the inside interface, etc ... .
The Pix 501 was like that too. It was usable "out of the box". ...
I could not find much info on these files, but a simple Google search indicates that these files may be 'recovery files' of Disks operating under Unix/Linux/BSD/etc /... kernel, indicating a dying hard drive. That would be enough to freak me out! Anyone can confirm this?
It's not a "disk", but a CF (256M in your case.) It's a DOS FAT filesystem. The underlying linux OS runs dosfsck on every boot. There are *lots* of reasons why it would find things to recover. It's not necessarily an indication of Badness(tm).
C) SmarNet issue: I am a little confused on this. Since this purchase was for NEW equipment, and the devices were shipped by Cisco (at least that is what I read on the box; a Cisco warehouse in TX)...
Not necessarily. I've seen a lot of boxes that appear to have come "direct" from Cisco, however, I know they came from a wholesaler's warehouse. (only one came direct from Cisco. from the factory in Malaysia.)