On 10/13/20 8:04 PM, Eric Kuhnke wrote:
If I had a dollar for every 'scary security alert' email received in a NOC email inbox from a 'security researcher group' that is the results of a port scan, or some small subset of trojan infected residential endpoint computers attempting outbound connections on ($common_service_port), or similar...
I get stupid automated "abuse" notices all the time about being an evil haxx0r, which is actually just having egress proxy enabled on GGC. The most crazy email I've had so far was saying that I "breached Section 4 of the Terms and Conditions of the domain" and that my as (the AS the GGC nodes are behind) is "to immediately cease and desist" followed by a bunch of BS about how their IP addresses are restricted and no crawl rights have been granted blah blah blah.