Vadim Antonov wrote:
randy> So, at POP X, I take in maybe 100 prefixes, with maybe 1000 randy> at some POPs. How do I build and maintain that filter list, (Alan Hannan) wrote:
The same way you build and maintain routing filter lists for the prefixes you take in.
Bzzt. Routing filter lists are applied to routing updates. Packet filter lists are applied to packets.
Big difference.
He suggested that the SAME list of prefixes be filtered. Or to put it another way, if you're concerned about the work involved in creating your filter lists, you already have the data. Now onto the performance questions...
1000-entry packet filter will slow any existing router down to crawl,
No. This is not true. Well designed filtering software WILL perform under these circumstances. It becomes more of a challenge as the speed of wires increases, but at a T1 rate, it is NOT very hard, and will not slow "any existing router" though it may slow some.
and practically all future boxes won't do any better.
Would you care to explain just exactly WHY a CAM type architecture could not filter packets WHILE BEING RECEIVED from a given type of wire? This is NOT an unsolveable problem. Perhaps you've been blinded by the current architecture of the equipment you've invested in to date. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie OpenROUTE Networks, Inc. 508-898-2800