On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 07:48:00PM -0700, Joe Rhett wrote:
vijay gill wrote:
Sorry, again YMMV but I had no trouble with this in either Taiwan or Singapore, when I was responsible for support in those countries, Japan and Korea combined. I never saw a problem calling between any of those.
Not saying it isn't so, just saying I never had this trouble me-self ;-)
While this thread is rapidly become more annoying than a rectal itch to edward scissorhands, at the risk of continuing this some more, here is the roaming from ATT wireless for india, http://www.attwireless.com/international/travelguide/coverage_details.jsp?CI... Calls to international designations other than the USA are not allowed. Lets see Malayasia You may not be able to place calls to international destinations other than United States while roaming in this country. Calls can be completed within the visited country and back to the United States. Ditto Pakistan Bangladesh Indonesia etc. I am sure there are many counterexamples where it worked for you, but I've recently as of May this year, have international calls other than the US fail for me while on ATT while in SE Asia. YMMV, HTH, HAND, etc etc /vijay