On 8/14/07, Douglas Otis <dotis@mail-abuse.org> wrote:
This comment was added as a follow-on note. Sorry for not being clear.
Accepting messages from a domain lacking MX records might be risky due to the high rate of domain turnovers. Within a few weeks, more than the number of existing domains will have been added and deleted by then. Spammers take advantage of this flux. Unfortunately SMTP server discovery via A records is permitted and should be deprecated.
Should be (perhaps) but clearly isn't. When you run it through a standards body and/or obtain broad acceptance; great! Until then, it's pipe dreaming. Regards, Al Iverson -- Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA