Hi, I do suggest you go over EN offering with a fine tooth comb. We experienced a whole lot of issues with 6 x650: . from hardware licensing (start at shipping from the fab and not when the customers get them); . software licensing (have to license every box even the ones in the labs); . known eeprom defect limiting upgrade from XOS 12 to 15; . 1 vlan-translation causing all sort of head-aches with port-grouping (ether-channel); . EAPS packets being silently filtered out of VMAN's when you do not use the Core license; ( Undocumented and that is not acceptable when trying to transport customers owns EAPS traffic on their VLAN's ) . no VLAN flapping logging; Don't get me wrong, they are good campus switches... just not designed for "our" L2 Core purposes. And the Licensing is just an exercise in frustration. I can understand the business purpose, just not the way they go about doing it. As for L3 support, it is fine: . include IP tracking in VRRP with is a plus for us . Virtual Routers We don't need them for BGP and we do not have a MPLS network yet. As for the x670, maybe most of the hardware issue has been addressed, but I doubt the licensing and undocumented limitations is better. PS: We're using them (x650), and are planning to keep using/recommending EN products, but it did cost us a lot of man hours and un-planned crashes that could have been prevented with better documentation and support. Good luck with your project =D ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 01/29/13 06:27, Piotr wrote:
I looking some 10G switches, it should work as TOR or core in DC. It should have more than 40 port 10G in one unit, wirespeed L2 L3, with virtual routers and some other ip functions like some BGP, OSPF, policy routing, 1-2U, MLAG, g.8032 (ERPS) trill-like ?
Other important features are big port buffers ( something similar to Juniper EX8200 - 512 MB per slot), defined counters accessible via snmp (like in junos), L3 statistics accessible via snmp
Extreme 670 looks good but they have small port buffers. It can be also some small chassis with line cards but the cost per 10G ports is too big..
What vendor, model You prefer or suggest as a solution ?
thanks for help best, Peter