I'd take Plymouth, left on Murfin, left on Bonisteel (if you're coming from where I think you're coming). There's parking on Murfin just before Bonisteel (Murfin dead ends on Bonisteel). But decide for yourself (not to scale)... eric Plymouth /--+--------+---------+----++---- --+----+ \ |H |G1 || / |M \ | |u |r || / |u +---+ |r |e || N |r | | |o |e || |f | | /7n |n ||U ^ |i | +--+--+-----------+ ||S | -+n----+---+ | |P Hubbard | ||2 -+- +---------+--+ |a | ||3 | | |B |r | || |2 3 |e |k | || *-+---------+a |w | \\ / 64 |l |a +-----+-- \\ |Glazier 5 | |y / || **+-----------+-----+---+ || <-- 1way | 2way 1 Domino's Farms Hotel (?) 2 North Campus Commons 3 Chrysler Building 4 North Campus Computing Center / NOC 5 NDSB 6 IST 7 ITI * This is Bonisteel Blvd. The Commons, Chrysler, and IST are on this street. ** Glazier becomes Fuller --> From: Mark Knopper <mak@merit.edu>
Hi Bill, Glad you can make it. From the holiday inn, turn left of the parking lot so that you will be going west on Plymouth Road. The first light will be Green Road--turn left on Green. After a half mile or so turn right on Hubbard Road. Proceed straight past the light at Huron Parkway. There is a curve to the left and a stop sign. Proceed straight. At the stop sign at Beal Ave., turn left. Then, turn right at the stop sign at Bonisteel Blvd. The Chrysler Parking lot is on the right side, just past the Cooley Labs building. If you get lost, call our offices at 936-3335. Mark
From: bmanning@is.rice.edu (William Manning) To: mak@merit.edu (Mark Knopper)
Hi Mark, I just found my way into town and would like directions from the Holiday Inn to the Crysler building. Can you forward ASCII directions?
-- Regards, Bill Manning bmanning@rice.edu PO Box 1892 713-285-5415 713-527-6099 Houston, Texas R.U. (o-kome) 77251-1892