On 25/08/2007, at 7:04 AM, Bill Nash wrote:
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007, Bill Nash wrote:
I built a perl daemon using Net::BGP and DBI that inserted and removed routes, on update, into an SQL db. I could then query to my hearts content, beating up a db with full routes with all the efficiency of SQL. It's simple as hell and works great.
Just to answer a bunch of off-list mails en masse, no, I do not have a copy of this code for distribution. I wrote it originally for an ex-employer, so I don't have a copy. I plan on rebuilding it, it's fairly simple, so if you have use cases for a tool like this, shoot me an email off list with your thoughts. Time permitting, I'll rebuild and post. I need it for some of my own purposes anyway, might as well make it suck less.
An alternative that I've been meaning to tinker with for some time might be to use OpenBGPd/zebra/quagga dumping to a file, and load that file in to SQL. I like that a bit more than INSERT/DELETE direct to SQL, because those dump files are dumps of all BGP messages, as well as table states, so you can move to any point in time when diagnosing problems. A quick google reveals http://nms.lcs.mit.edu/software/bgp/bgptools/ - tools that can deal with SQL and MRT dump files. -- Nathan Ward