For Nuremberg specifically I suggest to ask Core Backbone and Noris. From what I heard Gasline sold their Layer2 operations to EnBW if I recall correctly. I think Gasline has only DF left. Re Eunetworks: I recommend to avoid them, unless you don‘t mind be taken to court for their own mistakes. No joke. To get better answers or more regional suggestions try asking in the DENOG mailinglist. -- Fredy Künzler Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. Technoparkstrasse 5 CH-8406 Winterthur
Am 06.01.2021 um 20:23 schrieb Karsten Thomann via NANOG <>:
Depending on your specific needs the first I would think about are EUnetworks and Gasline.
Regards Karsten
Am Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2021, 19:12:14 schrieb Rod Beck:
Looking for a niche provider - not one of the usual suspects like Colt or GTT or Deutsche Telekom. A carrier with a dense German network hitting the smaller cities like Nürnberg. Wholesale mentality. Gige, 10 and 100 gig waves. DF.
The big guys don't cut it.
Roderick Beck
VP of Business Development
United Cable Company<>
New York City & Budapest
Budapest: 36-70-605-5144
NJ: 908-452-8183