I am not getting through to speed.planet.nl in English, can anyone give me a decent translation of in Dutch (The Netherlands):
"Here are our logs, indicating your host is attempting to access formmail on our web servers. We have been seeing at least 1,000 attempts a day for weeks from this host. Please look into this matter. The logs are in Mountain US time zone and sync'ed to NTP. Thank you for your attention to this matter"
James Edwards Routing and Security noc@cybermesa.com
You may want to start with mentioning UTC-7 rather than Mountain, as outside of the Americas, probably only EST and PST are memorable (if that). Heck, even living in the US, I have to think about Central vs. Mountain and fallback to old network programming messages like "ER, at 10pm Eastern 9pm Central and Pacific" although these days, they've even shortened that to just mention Eastern and Pacific.. Not to mention even in the US we're quirky about when we observe (if we do) Daylight Saving Time, and how our observance matches that of the rest of the world, which makes using UTC offsets that much more important. "Time is relative. Lunchtime, doubly so" -- Douglas Adams, HHGttG