On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 05:18:39PM +0000, Roland Perry wrote:
In article <20101209162936.GA9891@reptiles.org>, Jim Mercer <jim@reptiles.org> writes
amazon is selling a Kindle version of the Wikileaks released cables:
this is all becoming quite surreal.
"Please note: This book contains commentary and analysis regarding recent WikiLeaks disclosures, not the original material disclosed via the WikiLeaks website."
i don't have a cache, but i'm pretty sure those comments were added after i posted. fortunately, google's cache has a better memory: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:GGCo9vYxnHUJ:www.amazon.co.uk/WikiLeaks-documents-expose-foreign-conspiracies/dp/B004EEOLIU+WikiLeaks+documents+expose+US+foreign+policy+conspiracies.+All+cables+with+tags+from+1-+5000+www.amazon.co.uk&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca -- Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 You are more likely to be arrested as a terrorist than you are to be blown up by one. -- Dianora