Hi folks, Some time back before the latest round of cable cuts and BIND arguments you may recall that I notified everyone that Graphnet was being abused to transit spam. An ugly mess -- between the bounces and the flood of 'remove' from angry recepients plus one wise guy who impersonated our marketing department it brought a dual cpu sparc20 to its knees at its height, with over 100mb on the mail queue awaiting re-delivery or more likely expiration. We have put an end to this madness on our systems by building and configuring the very latest Sendmail v8 and BIND 4.9.6 (attempts to use v8 failed for being too Berkley, on a Solaris 2.x system -- but don't start arguing that here please) in combination with filters on our gateway router. Load has dropped way down on our sparc20, and hopefully the spammers will go play with someone else instead of futilely occupying bandwidth on our circuits . Let this be an object lesson to those of you out there who have yet to upgrade: the spammers will find you sooner or later. They walk down every A record in every zone until they find a victim. They look in public databases like RIPE to see what mailboxes are registered for the zone and they use those names to try to get past your sendmail filters and launch spam in your name (doesn't work on us, I thought of that trick). So go forth to www.isc.org and www.sendmail.org and compile. Dana Hudes Graphnet