On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore <patrick@ianai.net> wrote:
If Sprint is upset that Cogent is sending Sprint much more traffic than Sprint is sending Cogent, how does Sprint sending Cogent even less traffic (and making the ratio even worse) help Sprint? Why would Cogent care?
Why does everyone keep referring to traffic flows as sendng? In this case it's not as if Cogent just randomly sends data to Sprint. Sprint customers are requesting content from Cogent customers right? So Sprint depeers Cogent because Sprint customers are requesting to much content from Cogents customers? I've heard eyeball networks refer to traffic flows as sending too.. "You content hosters are sending us too much traffic, we want money to upgrade ports and transport all that traffic" Complete reverse logic imho. It is always eyeball network customers that request data. (except for a small portion of iphone/blackberry push email, but that can't account for much.) Bastiaan