Well, if they only delete 89% instead of 99.9% then to make 1,000,000 tasted registrations they will have to keep 100,000 of them, which will send a fair amount of money to the registry. Effectively making the minimum registration costs for tasting 10% of the normal cost.
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, John L wrote:
>>> The .ORG registry asked last year for permission to charge 5 cents per
>>> deletion to any registrar that deletes more than 90% of their
>>> registrations.
>> I don't like that so much. Complications invite gaming the system.
Yes, they are just going to delete 89% of their registrations.
> It has the practical advantage of already having been implemented.
What is important is not if it has been implemented but how effective
it has been. But unfortunately with just one TLD, its possible that
positive info can not be relied on as given limitations bad registrants
could have just moved to using other TLDs that do not have the limits).
Personally I think one way to do attempt to deal with it is to require
explanation for each and every registration that is deleted and then
look overall at types of explanations given and put additional barriers
for certain cases (i.e. paperwork, etc) plus capability of ICANN to do
audits of registrars deleted domains to verify that explanations they
are given are consistent with actual activity.
William Leibzon
Elan Networks