Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 7939 2462962 2213063 7460478 3 0 10w1d 148815 4 6380 3045064 102934 7460454 0 0 1d15h 147463 4 5661 336539 102895 7460478 0 0 4w2d 8964 AppleBees says "No Anheuser" Robert Scott says "NO APPLEBEES!" Join The Boycott! Robert D. Scott Associate Director Computer Services and Telecommunications Network Operations University of Central Florida CSB-310 407-823-0662 Voice 407-823-5476 FAX 345-0662 Sun-Com 877-549-5390 Pager
Henning Brauer <> 11/11/2004 6:11:31 AM >>>
* adrian kok <> [2004-11-10 21:32]:
2/ I saw article. "a full BGP feed is about 110,000 routes."
we're at 140..150k these days.
Do you have experience that AMD64 with 3G memory in Unix Box can handle it?
I've done it on a soekris box, that is, a 266MHz Geode CPU with 128MB RAM, using OpenBSD and OpenBGPD... -- Henning Brauer, BS Web Services, - Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity. (Dennis Ritchie)