I would definitely second this - I have one of these from ages ago and it runs great, and the CDMA sourced data means just throwing an antenna at the top of the cabinet in the datacenter vs running antenna cabling onto the roof for a GPS antenna. I believe I got mine on the secondary market for a fraction of the cost you mentioned Randy. I did have an issue in 2004 with a Verizon base station having a leap second setting off or something like that, but after reporting it to EndRun they contacted Verizon and had them update it and I don't think I've touched it since. Nikos On Tue, 26 Jun 2012, John Kristoff wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 07:30:30 -1000 Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
my old TymServe 2100-GPS seems to have died. would appreciate reccos for a replacement. it is in a stand-alone environment so i can avoid roof access issues. antenna already in place. thanks.
I've only used their CDMA-based time server, which is handy here in the States when line-of-sight access is difficult, but EndRun Technologies makes something you might want to consider:
Just be aware that you may want to harden the system a bit based on what I saw from the last shipping defaults. A template for the CDMA version is here, but I suspect the GPS version would be hardened in a similar fashion: