On Oct 10, 2021, at 13:18 , Mark Tinka <mark@tinka.africa> wrote:
On 10/10/21 22:10, Geoff Huston wrote:
I have to agree with Doug Barton's earlier observation is that the base problem is that the ISPs are using a flawed business model and they don't want to charge their customers what it really costs to provide them with high speed access, nor do they want to fund additional back-end capacity in their network without some form of offset revenue stream.
I think ISP's do want to charge their customers what it actually costs to provide them with a service, but they can't because many ISP's business models are based purely on undercutting their nearest competitor.
Then that’s a flawed business model and one of them will eventually get lucky in each market place and race prices once they are a monopoly.
I might be naive and hopeful to think that operators will have a blood handshake to set prices where customers can't wag the tail.
Such collusion is usually the basis of antitrust laws and ill-advised at best. Owen