If there is any company whose IPv6 plans we should be interested in, it is Verizon.
AKA UUNET? They've been doing IPv6 for _years_. I got my first IPv6 tunnel from UUNET Netherlands way back when.
But when will all of Verizon, not just the UUNET parts, offer IPv6 transit and peering on roughly the same terms as IPv4 transit/peering? Tunnel brokers don't count. UUNET's AS701 was the best connected AS on the Internet according to various analyses. Verizon now has more than just UUNET in its portfolio so they are even more core to the IPv4 Internet than UUNET was. When Verizon offers native IPv6 access basically everywhere, this will have a major, major impact on the size and reach of the IPv6 Internet. It will also have a knock-on effect as Verizon peers (and pseudo peers who buy transit) connect their IPv6 networks to the IPv6 Internet. End user customers (businesses) will sit up and take notice of the IPv6 Internet. I also expect that people who report latency and hop-count analyses will also have some positive things to say about the IPv6 Internet after this happens. Let's not forget that we all depend on each other in this business, and although we collectively operate a very good IPv4 Internet, the IPv6 Internet is still just taking baby steps. We need a short period of exponential growth in the IPv6 Internet to make it ready for prime time. --Michael Dillon