On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Forrest W. Christian wrote:
On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Nick Patience wrote:
NSI seems slightly unsure as to the main reason for the increase in hits,
I have heard from a source that Windows 2000 is sending a whole bunch of "interesting" packets towards the root servers. I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, this seems to coincide timing wise. The person I talked to referred to the packets as "update notifications" or something like that. Maybe NOTIFY implemented weirdly?
Dynamic Updates on a 'orrible scale. It appears to be that if a windows 2000 machine cannot find its forward and reverse name to resolve correctly, it will send a dynamic update for the name to the nearest found parent. Logically, this should *not* be the root nameservers. Well, logically, yes. If the logical (listed) parents are not found, then I think it walks back down the chain, and (possibly) to the roots. As our[1] nameservers are authoritative for a few reverses[2], we tend to see an awful lot of these dynamic updates, which show up as 'Unauthorised update' etc etc. Its the equivilant of a new-born baby waking up during its first night, and immediately bawling down the phone to the deed poll office to change their name. Annoying, but it does save the parents the tramua of naming the babe. --==-- Bruce. [1] APNIC. Std-disclaimer applies. [2] {61,202,203,210,211}.in-addr.arpa .