Doc-2.2.3: doc -p -w us Doc-2.2.3: Starting test of us. parent is . Doc-2.2.3: Test date - Wed Jul 6 18:42:03 HST 2005 Note: Skipping parent domain testing Found 3 NS and 3 glue records for us. (non-AUTH) Using NSlist from parent domain server NS list summary for us. from parent (.) servers == soa for us. serial: 2002445162 soa for us. serial: 2002445163 soa for us. serial: 2002445163 WARN: Found 2 unique SOA serial #'s for us. Authoritative domain (us.) servers agree on NS for us. NS list from us. authoritative servers matches list from === first parent (.) nameserver queried Checking 0 potential addresses for hosts at us. == Summary: WARNINGS issued for us. (count: 1) Done testing us. Wed Jul 6 18:42:08 HST 2005 [ lotso detail deleted ]