On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:28 AM Eric Kuhnke <eric.kuhnke@gmail.com> wrote:
Method 2 (backwards compatible, possibly an improvement): Treat the 255 character sysLocation field as a rudimentary three column CSV file with pipe delimiters. Put the standard human readable description of the node location in the first column. Populate the second column with the latitude and longitude in WGS84 decimal degree format, such as:
Suite 402 2200 6th Ave, Seattle WA 98121|47.616380|-122.341673
Where both columns have six decimal places of precision Column 2 is positive integer if north of the equator Column 3 is negative integer if west of Greenwich. Optional 4th column: Elevation in metres, MSL
I'm not aware of any formal standards to specify coordinates in sysLocation but e.g. librenms and Observium support optional GPS coordinates in brackets: 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701 [40.424521, -86.912755] Another alternative might be to use LOC DNS records