: Regulations could fix that. : : The US Postal Service has the Postal Inspection Service. They have : jurisdiction anywhere the mail goes. The post office didn't create : the Anthrax, they delivered the envelopes as addressed. : : Most railroads have railroad police with jurisdiction anywhere the : railroad tracks go. Some railroad police departments have : trans-national jurisdiction in multiple countries. :: My suggestion to the AusCERT delegates was to introduce a new default :: service which has very limited access, and if people ask for more, give :: them the access after they have read through various 'educational' :: pages.... Perhaps a simple online quiz at the end -just 3-5 questions :: with the answers being very clearly explained in the previous pages - :: just to show the people have actually read the pages, rather than :: skipped to the end and hit 'I accept'. ::: All other traffic will be blocked. This means that if you are ::: using any other internet-based applications, such as on-line gaming, ::: peer to peer file-sharing, etc., they will not work with Censorco. ::: These applications have been demonstrated to be unsafe, and, are not ::: accessible while still using the TrainingWheels(tm) service. If you ::: want to do this, you will need to contact your account representative, ::: pass a brief internet knowledge and security test, and sign the ::: appropriate waiver. We will then remove the TrainingWheels(tm) from ::: your internet service and you will receive a full, unfiltered, unsafe ::: connection to the internet. Four words why these regulatory/testing things won't work: It's a global network. It has been shown across many wars that global regulation isn't going to work... : Also the problem of off shoring spam probably should be taken into : consideration. No matter how good the plan is if a country is willing : not to enforce it there will be a problem. <ding, ding, ding> We have a winner! Someone please give sgorman1 a cigar for winning the NA vs. global network game in this round! scott