On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:36:39 -0800, "Joe McGuckin" <joe@via.net> said:
By all means, the Justice Dept. and police should move against anyone performing illegal acts such as phishing, I just don't think that it is ICANN or ARIN and GoDaddy's job to police good net citizenship.
You forget that the internet-services are based on best-effort. Anything else will require accountability for everyone involved. That is accountability going both ways so that users also can be held accountable for *all* their actions. To achieve that you'll have to toss any idea of anonymity for internet users. Wonder if that is what those who complain about restricive AUPs really want ;) Besides, whose authorities should do excactly what? Global legislation for the internet is just about as big an illusion as the "new economy" the internet once was assumed to create. //per -- Per Heldal http://heldal.eml.cc/