-----Original Message----- From: Richard A Steenbergen [mailto:ras@e-gerbil.net] Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:47 AM To: Greg Pendergrass Cc: 'Nanog@Merit. Edu' Subject: Re: long distance gigabit ethernet On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 10:36:22AM -0500, Greg Pendergrass wrote:
I'm looking at long-haul gigabit ethernet as a possible solution versus traditional SONET and I'm a little bit wary as promises made on web pages and white papers aren't *always* completely accurate. I'd appreciate it
you all would share your experiences with it. By long-haul I mean in the hundreds or thousands of miles. I need to know:
a. Does it work properly?
b. Who offers it in the continental US?
I'm going to take a stab and assume that you're actually more interested in finding a longhaul line with GigE on the ends, and not so much how many miles you can get with whatever optics... Absolutely right, I don't care what's in between as long as I have GigE at the end. Other options include using wave (too expensive), or ethernet over MPLS (worth considering although latency may be too high for longer that 1000 miles). GP