The version I typically use:
Usage: ping options address -c count packet count -d enable socket debugging -f flood -t send ICMP timestamp requests -g gateway loose source route -i interval timeout -l preload preload count -m report missing summary -n numeric address reporting -p pattern specify fill pattern -q quiet -r don't use routing table -s packetsize packet size -v verbose -C cisco-style -F fast -S address src_address -G gateway strict source route -R record route
And mine has: Usage: ping options address -c count packet count -d enable socket debugging -f flood -g gateway loose source route -i ICMP Information request -l preload preload count -m report missing summary -n numeric address reporting -p pattern specify fill pattern -q quiet -r don't use routing table -s packetsize packet size -t timeout timeout -u microsecond timing -v verbose -C cisco-style -F fast -G gateway strict source route -I increment TTL -O print options -N symbolic -M ICMP Mask request -R record route -S tos type of service -T ttl time to live -U millisecond timing Eric Carroll University of Toronto Network & Operations Services External Networking Facilities Management