jamie rishaw wrote:
Akamai customer support is ccare@. <snip> Anyone claiming noc@ : not the place for issues to go to, and Akamai will tell you that.[4]
No one said that noc@ was "not the place" - someone (who works at Akamai) said that the RFC specified noc@ works, and it does. Someone else said it didn't work, and that person was incorrect (as my testing proves) - perhaps the NOC has better things to do than engage with a nym/troll when it "tests" if the noc@ address works or not. To summarize: The RFC-specified noc@ address exists and works. Customers also have/know about ccare@ which also works. Non-customers (surprise - not everyone is an Akamai customer, and non-customers do have valid reasons to contact a NOC now and then) who don't know about the super sekret[1] ccare@ can use noc@. Is there some point you wanted to make that contradicts all of this? jc [1] TIN(Sekret)C