15 Dec
15 Dec
1:22 p.m.
I will spare everyone my own personal experiences as of late in dealing with ARIN for a /20. How about some talk on this topic, multi-homing without the application of the BGP, a pressing concern amongst mid-level ISPs and small dot com's. Jade P.S. Mr. Jimmerson... I want a /20, and a pony. Give me a /20 and a pony, I want a pony!!!! Jade E. Deane Network Engineer helloNetwork.com Las Vegas, Nevada Office: +1 (702) 938-9267 Cell: +1 (702) 604-4759 Fax: +1 (702) 456-1471 email: jade.deane@helloNetwork.com urgent epage: 7026044759@page.nextel.com