On Feb 17, 2017, at 16:46, Patrick W. Gilmore <patrick@ianai.net> wrote:
There is one problem: The article is factually incorrect on multiple points.
It would be interesting to know what points those are, it reads mostly accurately to me.
The proposed constitutional changes are in the public domain.
The main problem, though this point may have gotten lost in the very long discussion on the LINX members list, is that the reasoning and motivation for the changes was not made clear. Even when explanatory materials were belatedly provided, they weren’t especially clear. So instead of saying, "we have this new spying law in the UK and we need to rejigg the decision-making at LINX so we will be ready in case we are required to do something that must be kept secret" what was proposed to the membership was, "we have embarked on this long governance journey and this is what we have come up with as the best way to run LINX". Those are two very different propositions, especially for busy people who don’t have time to read in detail and understand all the implications. All that I suggested is that the members be properly informed so that they can make this choice with their eyes open. It is important to have this discussion in the open, and explicitly mark the transition where Internet Exchange Points re-organise themselves to accommodate spying laws and gag orders. William Waites Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum 5.38, 10 Crichton St. Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.