Once upon a time, Jay Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> said:
Well, we'll be on the *sending* end of the Hugo's, but... ;-)
You might want to talk to whoever did this year's WorldCon networking. I'm a Dragon*Con volunteer, and I know there was a some type of direct connection between Chicago (WorldCon) and Atlanta (Dragon*Con) so that we could show things like the Hugo ceremony (and I think we fed some video the other way as well, like the D*C Parade). I don't know how they did the "regular" Internet stream (except that it went through Ustream, who shut down the Hugo feed because of a DMCA complaint). -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.