Also, larger bandwidth facilities may be represented by volleyballs, basketballs and in the near future, cageballs. :)
I'm looking for venture capital for a new laser based technology called LTM. This stands for Liquid Transport Medium and it consists of lasers which holographically engrave datagrams on steel spheres the size of BB's which are then injected into the transport pipes in conjunction with a clear lubricant that serves as the liquid transport medium to carry the datagram spheres to their destination where the datagram is read from the spheres by another laser. The sphere may then be routed down another transport pipe, or, if it has reached its final destination then it is shunted off to a government data archive center in order to meet the new data access requirements that are before Congress. ******************************************************** Michael Dillon voice: +1-650-482-2840 Senior Systems Architect fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. "The People You Know. The People You Trust." ********************************************************