On Thu, 2 May 2002 19:59:52 +1000 James Spenceley <jrs@comindico.com.au> wrote:
Around 15mins ago an additional ~5,000 routes entered the global view, sadly they appear to be hanging around.
This one I see. These are coming from UUNET -at least as seen from here - AS 705 added 4426 prefixes (from 609). As there was not a corresponding increase in address space, this is really more of a de-aggragation. Same thing happened on Wed Apr 24 06:12:20, when AS 701 added 2364 prefixes (from 2053). Again, it looked like a de-aggragation. If you look at Figure 1b of http://www.multicasttech.com/status/index.html you can clearly see both jumps. AS 705 has only one ASN in transit through it from here. The recent change was all _inside_ AS 705. Regards Marshall Eubanks
Last Tuesday had an increase of 2,000 routes.
+7000 routes in a week is significant de-aggregation or leak, any ideas on where these routes are flowing ?
I've not seen an increase on any of our peers, so I can only assume its coming from a network who doesn't peer particularly "openly".
-- James