Hi all, JANOG will have a session "Why don't we want to deploy IPv6?" in JANOG 35 meeting next month. It will focus on IPv6 deployment of the contents providers in Japan. To help us make this session better, we carry out a questionnaire survey to the service providers. It would be great if you could fill out the following questionnaire: https://www.janog.gr.jp/meeting/janog35/program/ipv6/ipv6_form_en/ Your co-operation will be appreciated. We will make a good use out of the survey information in order to improve this session. We'll update you with more details about JANOG 35 meeting through the following page. http://www.janog.gr.jp/en/index.php?JANOG35_Meeting Happy Holidays! -- Japan Internet Exchange MAWATARI Masataka <mawatari@jpix.ad.jp>