On Nov 27, 2012, at 7:12 AM, Carsten Bormann wrote:
We have seen your kind of thinking.
You totally mischaracterize my 'kind of thinking'. My entire career arc has been that of a technological evangelist. Yes, I think there's a lot that's wrong with IPv6, but it appears that it's the only path forward we have, for the foreseeable future. It is very interesting that merely expressing skepticism regarding the rate, breadth, and depth of IPv6 deployment, and floating the proposition that some 'killer app' is needed in order to stimulate IPv6 deployment, is met with such over-the-top rhetoric and vitriol.
So it's there when you finally decide to shut up and give us the money.
As a consumer, I currently don't have the choice of paying for native IPv6 connectivity because it simply isn't available in the part of the world where I reside. Which is the part of the world that everyone says should benefit the most from IPv6 - i.e., Asia - but is also a part of the world which has practically zero consumer-grade IPv6 connectivity options, and precious few commercial-grade ones.
You are much better off using your energy to plan ahead for that and ease the transitions, instead of inventing scales of significance that somehow prove to yourself you can continue doing nothing.
Why do you think I am 'doing nothing'? When I was at Cisco, I relentlessly pushed for IPv4/IPv6 feature and performance parity, especially with regards to security and resiliency (much good that it did me, heh). I continue to advocate this stance. I am trying to point out that there are a lot of barriers to the near-universal deployment, or at least availability, of end-to-end IPv6 connectivity. It seems to me that many folks are overly optimistic in this regard, and that there must be some kind of incentive for ordinary users to push for IPv6 connectivity in order for it to achieve critical mass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com> Luck is the residue of opportunity and design. -- John Milton